How To Keep A Clean House With A Full-time Job

The Cleaning Force How To Keep A Clean House With A Full time

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Striking the right balance between your regular work routine and tackling tedious household tasks is far from easy. If you don’t want to add more stress to your day, we’ve got a bunch of savvy tips to maintain your home pristine while you navigate the full-time work hustle!

Tip #1. Make your own cleaning schedule

Keeping your home in top-notch shape when your schedule is jam-packed begins with a carefully designed cleaning routine.

Although you can find many cleaning checklists online, they are often designed with more free time in mind. So, it is better to create or customize one to fit your lifestyle and available free hours.

Throw in those quick, gotta-get-it-done tasks that won’t devour your time for weekdays and more hefty chores for weekends—you can even spread them throughout the month. This way, you can maintain a base cleanliness without pushing yourself to the edge of exhaustion.

Tip #2. Get rid of unnecessary items

A clutter-free space helps you enter a positive loop: once your mind doesn’t have to deal with all the chaos and pending tasks, you’ll feel more energized and willing to tackle cleaning duties.

Spot those problematic areas in the house, like the overstuffed closet or the mess on your countertops, and get rid of things that you don’t need—check these decluttering tips!

Note: If deciding what to let go of becomes a brain teaser, employ clever storage solutions such as bins, shelves, and storage furniture.

Tip #3. Multitask as much as you can

Efficiency is crucial when you have little time to clean. Integrate small cleaning tasks into your daily routine to avoid the stress when time becomes elusive. For instance, clean up while you whip up dinner or load the dishwasher immediately after using the dishes and utensils.

Take advantage of any sliver of free time you have—but not your leisure time! Consider those few minutes before heading out with friends or family as an opportunity to swiftly tackle tasks like wiping down counters or folding and storing your clothes.

Tip #4. Share the cleaning duties

Keeping your place pristine can get easier if you’ve got support. Rally your family or roommates to team up and share the cleaning responsibilities. Even the younger ones can contribute with age-appropriate chores—they’ll contribute to a clean place while learning responsibility!

To ensure everybody sticks to the plan, create a shared calendar or checklist and place it in plain sight so anyone can check it easily.

Pro-tip: If you live alone, you can invite your friends to help you clean and have a nice gathering afterward.

Tip #5. Prioritize self-care and work-life balance

Keeping your space pristine is important, but don’t forget to prioritize your physical and mental well-being.

When it comes to cleaning, be realistic with yourself. Not every corner has to be spotless all the time. It’s okay to have a bit of a mess every now and then and tidy up without pushing yourself to the limit.

In the end, what truly matters is creating an environment that nurtures your overall happiness while maintaining the motivation to keep your space in check.

Make your cleaning chores quicker and easier with our tips!

You can make even more out of your time by learning how to tackle your cleaning duties with ease! The Cleaning Force offers you expert cleaning advice that will help you save tons of time and spare you the stress. Visit our blog to learn how to clean without hassle!

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