The Cleaning Force offers a 24 hour guarantee on all cleanings. If you are not 100% satisfied with the cleaning for any reason, simply contact our office within 24 hours of your cleaning to arrange a time for us to come back to your home and re-clean areas that were not cleaned to your expectations.

We bring all our own supplies. Our customers are not required to provide anything for the cleaning. Rags and supplies, we come fully prepared for each job with the exception of a vacuum. All cleaning technicians are equipped with a vacuum but we do use your vacuum in your home for sanitation purposes.

We understand that everyone has busy lives, so we do not expect anyone to be present during the cleaning. All we need is a way to get in your home. We are comfortable cleaning it and locking it up for you when we finish. It is common for our customers to provide us with their garage code or spare key to enter the home.

The only thing we ask in preparation for the cleaning is to remove clutter so that we can work effectively to clean all surfaces. If we will be changing your linens, we ask you to put out clean sheets on top of the bed.

Our team is trained to clean your home with complete respect. If something unexpectedly breaks during the cleaning, we will do our best to repair or replace the broken item. We are fully insured, so we file claims appropriately.

Please understand that your appointment has been reserved for you personally and that we do enforce our cancellation policy. We take pride in retaining our wonderful employees through keeping an optimized schedule and reservations are huge part of our business. We require a 48 BUSINESS HOUR notice on all initial cleans and a 24 BUSINESS HOUR notice on all recurring service cleanings.

Good news, we love pets! We have no strict pet policy. As long as your pets are ok with us, we are perfectly happy with them roaming around while we clean. If you need us to let them outside for any reason during the cleaning, we are happy to do so.